How do I import statements into Forex Tester?

Intent: Statement_processor


With help of Statement Processor EA you can import MT4 or Forex Tester trade history and then trade according this statement in Testing mode like real trader does. MT4 statement file should be in HTML format. Forex Tester statement file should be in .txt format.
Please do the following to import your statement: 
1) Save statement in MetaTrader (right click on the account history and choose "Save report" option). you will get .htm (or .html) file 
2) Open Forex Tester 
3) Enable strategy execution 
4) Open strategies list 
5) Double click on "Statement processor" strategy 
6) specify your report 
7) enable "Statement processor" strategy in the list of strategies 
Start a new test from appropriate date (note that you need to have ticks generated for all pairs that you have in statement)

Short Answer:

With help of Statement Processor EA you can import MT4 or Forex Tester trade history and then trade according this statement in Testing mode like real trader does.
Please follow this linkto learn more about Statement Processor using.



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