I registered my Forex Tester but can test only 1 month of data. How can I test more data?

Intent: Only_January_2015_data


We included 1 month of historical data to our setup file for size reasons.

Please do the following to download more data: 

  1. Click the “Data Center” button on the Main Toolbar (top left of the window) → “Update from sever” → select the “Download part of history” radio button → set up the desired date range and click “Update”.
  2. Create a new project through the File → New Project main menu or use the “New Project” button on the Main Toolbar. Give a name to the project, then click Next.
  3. In the next window select necessary pairs that you want to test and dates of testing, click "Next".
  4. Start testing from the first date in the range or define any other day to start and click "Create".
  5. Click the "Start Test" button when you are ready to start testing your strategy.

Also, you can download historical data from our site. It is free. 

Short Answer:

You need to download additional data on your own in the "Data Center" menu. Please take a look at the step by step guide . By default, Forex Tester contains just 1 month of data due to a file size reason.

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