Do you provide historical data for indexes?

Intent: Non_forex_symbols


We provide data for a big number of non-forex symbols (stocks, CFD, indices, futures, bitcoin, and other symbols) in our Paid Data Service.

You can see the full list of provided data here.
After you subscribe to our data service you will be able to download data for indexes and other symbols.
At first, you need to create this symbol in Data Center window (click “Add” button, enter the symbol name, choose “CFD” symbol type and click “OK” button).
Symbol name should be the same as in the list on our site.
Then choose this symbol, click “Update from server” button and download historical data from our server.

Short Answer:

Forex Tester allows testing non-forex symbols. We provide data for a big number of non-forex symbols (stocks, CFD, indices, futures, bitcoin and other symbols) in our Paid Data Service .
You can see the full list of provided data in this table.

Tags: indexes|stocks|


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